Quick link: A NYT piece analyzes the distribution of tax spending (both direct expenditures and “tax expenditures”, i.e. foregone revenue). The debate is around the federal budget, but certainly cities have similar dynamics, in particular in the distribution of revenue collection between residents and businesses, and in structuring the property tax. Read: A Nation With Too…
Tag: federal
The State of the Union in 2012 – NYTimes.com
As expected, President Obama’s State of the Union speech hit on the themes of deficit reduction, taxes, and government spending that have characterized politics at the national, state and local level for the past years. The NYT editorial board’s take: A year ago, after the last State of the Union address, we applauded President Obama…
Cities and Federal Block Grants
Cities Struggle as U.S. Slashes Block Grants Program It is no secret that these are hard times for cities, with tax collections down, state aid dwindling, unemployment high and foreclosures pitting many blocks. So, as he sat in his office here, Mayor Ed Pawlowski of Allentown echoed the question mayors around the country are asking:…
The Age Of Austerity?
Short piece from July on how the language of austerity (and “shared sacrifice”) is being used in the national debate around debt, stimulus, and taxes. The gist: The language of austerity has so far benefited the Republican position, which is all cuts and no taxes. The piece links to Nancy Pelosi’s statement of July 25…