People who have been arrested, convicted of a crime, or incarcerated face many barriers to employment. While much of the difficulty in finding employment is due to institutional exclusion, a UC Berkeley researcher has attributed some of the problem to ineffective job search methods. What can policymakers do to ensure that people who have interacted…
Tag: criminal justice
What it means to privatize the justice system
Great article about the consequences of turning over parts of the criminal justice system to private, for-profit companies. How do the companies make money? By charging offenders on probation for their own monitoring, and by racking up fines and interest charges on the cost of traffic tickets and small court fines. There are already many…
Nuances of crime in a time of austerity and fear
First Recession, Then Crime and Fear –
Return of Debtors’ Prisons –
A bit far afield maybe, but an interesting bit of fallout from the recession and the continued squeezing of government: This devastating problem has gotten far worse the past five years, the result of budget-strapped state courts looking for sources of revenue and ever more poor people becoming ensnared in the court system. For decades,…