What rights to cities have to regulate the conditions under which their residents work? If some state legislatures had their way: none. With federal efforts to increase pay for the lowest earners stalled by Republican opposition, a slew of states, cities and towns across the country have hiked the local base pay on their own….
Category: Cities

Detroit by Air – NYTimes.com
Great photographs of Detroit, saying so much. Above is a photo of the dividing line between Grosse Pointe Park and Detroit. As they say: location is everything. So much money on one side of the line, so little on the other. Detroit by Air – NYTimes.com.
Watchdog: Borrowing Trouble – Chicago Tribune series
A great series finished last month on the Chicago Public Schools district’s engagement in complex bond deals, the lack of public oversight, and the high costs of many of those deals. I’ve been researching interest rate swaps for over a year, and I’m impressed with the thoroughness of the reporting here. THIS is why we…
Detroit loses power, literally.
Detroit — A widespread power outage Tuesday that caused evacuations of buildings throughout downtown is “another reminder of how much work we still have to do to rebuild the city,” Mayor Mike Duggan said. Duggan, speaking at an afternoon press conference, said Detroit is in the early stages of a four-year, $200 million plan to…

Lynn Saville : Fine Art Photography
Beautiful and haunting photos of vacancies: Lynn Saville : Fine Art Photography.